Resident Manuscript Awards

Submissions are now open through 11:59pm Mountain Time (MT),
Thursday, August 1st, 2024!

The 2024 Resident Manuscript Award Ceremony will likely take place just before the AM break on Thursday during the ACVO Conference. Be sure to attend!

2024 Submission Guidelines

Step 1. Eligibility (all of the following must be met):

  • A resident in an ABVO approved residency training program or an individual who has completed his/her ABVO approved residency within 18 months of the application deadline

  • Applicant must be first author on the manuscript

  • Manuscript research must have been conducted as part of the applicant’s ABVO approved residency program

  • Manuscript must be published, in press, or accepted without further revisions

    • Note: manuscripts that are “accepted” but with “minor” or “major revisions” are not eligible for consideration

Step 2. Required Application Materials

 Please submit the following materials to the ACVO Office by email:

  • Cover letter (addressed to the ACVO Executive Director)

  • Full manuscript and citation, including DOI, where available

  • Award category in which the manuscript is being entered: 1) Basic Science, 2) Clinical Research, 3) Case Report/Case Series, or 4) Review Manuscript

  • Name of ABVO approved residency program and date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the applicant finished or will finish his/her program

  • A statement affirming that the manuscript research was conducted as part of the applicant’s ABVO approved residency program

  • *Optional: A photo of yourself that could be used for the on-site announcement, HTML email to members, and a page on the website. This is not required, but preferred.

Note: Cover letter must also be signed by both the applicant and the Supervising Diplomate and a copy of the manuscript must be sent with the cover letter. Manuscripts in press or accepted without further revision – a copy of the final acceptance letter must be included. Manuscripts are due by 11:59 pm Mountain Time (MT) on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

If a publisher’s version is not yet available, the final peer-revised manuscript should be submitted (Note: the NIH defines “final peer-revised manuscript” as follows: "The Investigator’s final manuscript of a peer-reviewed paper accepted for journal publication, including all modifications from the peer review process." (http:///

Previous Manuscript Award Winners