@ The Happy Hour

Thursday, October 24

Westin Hotel River Lawn

5:00PM - 6:00PM

During the ACVO Conference at the Equity and Engagement Happy Hour, an inaugural Basic Science Course Reunion will take place for the years 1994, 2004, and 2014! There will also be a meet-up for any Basic Science Course attendees from the last 5 years. Please plan to meet up during the event, find your year's banner, take photos, and catch up with new and old friends. We hope this will become a yearly event and would like to showcase other years next time!  We would love it if you sent us some fun pics too.

We are seeking any photos that you have that you would like to share for the BSC years of 1994, 2004, 2014 and courses within the last 5 years.  These will be used for the website and possibly on-site promotion on the banners.

If you have any shots, formal or candid, of the years highlighted above, please email them to
1)  Your name as reference
2)  Year of the BSC that the photo(s) were taken
3)  Names of those in the photo, if possible. (unless it’s a large group photo then don’t worry about it!)